In July we took a little 3 day trip to San Diego with the Christensens. We decided that Sea World would be the best attraction for toddlers. Ella ended up falling asleep about 15minutes after we arrived and took a pretty long nap but once she woke up the girls had a good time.

I just think this picture is funny. Landon was taking a picture of us looking at the dolphins and happened to get the girl picking her wedgie.

Elliot and Dad on the elmo ride. Sea World has a whole Sesame Street area which the girls were drawn to. Elliot would point to it every time she looked at the map.

Elliot and I took a 3 hour nap when we got back to the hotel. She was so tired that Landon and I could not get her to wake up for dinner. She finally woke up when Ella came in the room. I guess she figured it was worth it to play. While asleep Elliot turned onto her back and started clapping and then stopped and turned back on her side. I think she was dreaming about one of the shows she had seen that day. It was pretty cute.
The next day we went to the beach. Landon and Stewart went boggy boarding while Shana and I tried to keep the girls happy. When Elliot and Ella first got to the beach they wanted nothing to do with the sand. They would complain about the sand sticking to their feet and hands. Elliot gave the water a chance but once she was knocked over by a wave she wanted nothing to do with the ocean.
Shana and I convinced Landon and Stewart to take the girls for a swim so we could just lay on the beach and relax. We definitely enjoyed our 15 minutes of rest. Once the girls went in the water with their dads they realized the ocean wasn't too bad.
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