So back in August my wonderful parents took all of their children and spouses and grandchildren to Hawaii. I just want to say thank you, thank you, thank you Mom and Dad! We had such a good time. This house we stayed at was right across the street from the beach. Our beach had a great cove for snorkling. So many of mornings began with an hour of snorkling in the warm ocean. The fish were beautiful.
Here is the whole crew right before heading home.

We were a little scared of how the kids would handle the 6 1/2 hour plane ride but surprisingly they did great. Those little DVD players are fantastic and it helps to have a lap to pass your kid onto occasionally.
We spent a day looking at waterfalls. Hawaii is so beautiful. While there we were like "why do we live in the desert?"
Some of the waterfalls and beaches required a little off roading to get to. The view was amazing and made the crazy ride worth it.
Look at my cute husband and sleepy girl.
Looking at a dead crab.
Megan and her crazy hair. Megan actually left for PA school in North Carolina just a couple of days after we got home. We miss her so much. Every night when Elliot says her prayers she makes sure that we don't forget Megy.
Landon and I were able to go bogey boarding a couple of days. We had so much fun. There was a couple of times where you rolled in a wave and got ocean water up your nose but the rides in between made it worth it. There was a small beach with great waves but it had a lot of people. So sometimes you would knock people over as you came in and sometimes you would get knocked off your board by another bogey boarder. It just made it even more fun.
Kristin, Landon and Aaron waiting for a wave.
Elliot loved the beach. She liked playing in the sand. She would give the ocean a chance until a little wave would knock her over and then she was done with that. After we got home for weeks, everyday she would ask to go to the beach. I wish we could just step out our front door and walk to the beach.
Our beach house. It had 2 kitchens, 4 bathrooms and 4 bedrooms. It was a great choice for vacationing with 12 people. We never felt crowded.
The view from our balcony. Jealous anyone???
Elliot and Jacob. Monkey see, monkey do. Elliot loves her cousin Jacob. She mimics everything her does.
We saw big sea turtles at almost every beach we went to. They will swim right next to you or even near large groups of people.