Sorry it has been so long since I have posted any pictures. I figure I better post the events of October since we are entering the Holiday Season and I am sure there will be plenty of pictures taken.
I thought I would just share some of the things Elliot says and does:
The other day I was whistling. Elliot asked me what that sound was. I told her I was whistling and then tried to teach her how. After one attempt of blowing through her pursed lips and no whistle came out, Elliot told me her lips were broken. I tried to get her to keep trying but to no avail she insisted that her lips were broken.

One of Elliot's favorite things to do is the dishes. Of course this consists of her playing in the bubbles while dad or I load the dishwasher around her. She asks multiple times throughout the day to do the dishes. If you are at the sink for longer than 2 seconds with the water running, she pushes her little table over that she likes to stand on and says "do dishes". This method has worked out pretty well because it keeps the dishes done. In these pictures Elliot is showing me the bunny the bubbles made.

This is Elliot's first attempt at eating a whole hamburger by herself. We usually cut up her food into bite size pieces. But seeing as how our Elliot is too big for that, she needs to eat things the way Mom and Dad do. It was pretty fun watching her eat. She did not get too far before she gave up and settled on eating all of the avocado. Avocado is her favorite food right now, she asks for it almost daily. I can't complain at least it is healthy.
Sooooooo cute! I love her!
that hamburger is as big as her head! Such cute pictures!
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